Tasha Hylton

Tasha Hylton

A Bristol based photographer with a focus on portraiture & fashion. Creating strong portraits and enjoying the art of story telling through visuals is my passion as I continue to explore narratives around my race, culture and personal experiences.

I love working with like minds that connect with my work & style. Which has given me the opportunity to work with an array of different people & clients over the years. Working with digital & analogue film formats my style remains not to polished & more on the realer side.

I have exhibited works at the Royal West Academy in Bristol as part of the 'New Black Narrative'  exhibition alongside other artists within the city who are part of the Black Creatives Bristol collective. Been awarded the British Journal of Photography 'Portrait of Britain' .  Along with being featured on Photo Vogue, for Lomography Film & Digital Camera Magazine. As well as been published in various fashion magazines with my perosnal fashion stories. 

I enjoy connecting with like minded people where we can contribute & bounce ideas to achieve the best outcome for all.

Available for bookings for commissions and projects via my representation Charlotte at Cup of Crew  hello@cupofcrew.com 

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